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Skip Bin Waste Removal

One of the best ways for businesses and homeowners to dispose of waste is to hire skip bins. You can fill the skip bin with garbage, and the skip hire company will come and pick it up or choose to transport it to the transfer station or dumpsite.

Regardless of who transports the skip bin, essential health and safety rules must be adhered to when using skip bins. Using skip bins seems harmless, but many things can go wrong. Here are the most efficient ways to ensure skip bin safety by using your skip safely and securely.

Top Tips For Skip Bin Safety

Place the skip bin in an open flat space

One of the most crucial safety tips to keep your skip bin secure is concerning where it'll be physically located. Skip bins are heavy and should only be moved if there is a need to. Ideally, it should be on a flat solid surface with an open space like the front yard, garage, or nature strip near the road to ease the skip bin delivery and pickup.

There should be no obstructions when accessing the skip bin. This is also helpful when taking out the trash so that you can always get to the area. Implementing this strategy can help to reduce or even stop any damage to your home or injuries to pets and other people.

Don't overload the skip bin

It's common for people to try and get the most out of their money from a skip bin hire. However, it is not recommended to overload your skip bin or fill it over the "do not fill above this level" mark. The fuller it gets, the more complex it is to move. Greater weight poses a safety danger to other road users and the driver and his vehicle.

Overfilled skip bins violate the law and pose a danger. It's not legal to transport overfilled skip bins, so be careful when you load your skip bin more than is permitted. If you can't shut the lid, it's overloaded.

A better alternative is to hire a bigger-sized skip bin that can accommodate all your waste. It's better to consult waste collection professionals to figure out the ideal skip bin size for the job. Also, you can consider an additional mini skip hire if you have more trash to get rid of.

Hazardous chemicals aren't allowed

When getting rid of your trash, make sure you don't dispose of any dangerous chemicals and other contaminants within the waste bins. Hazardous chemicals include:

• Asbestos


• Explosives

• Flammable liquids

• Gasoline gas bottles and so much more

Such materials require proper handling when transporting and disposing of them since they're harmful to the environment and the human population. Anyone found dumping such waste type might suffer severe consequences. Hence, hiring a professional chemical waste removal service is best. You can ask for a list of all hazardous waste from your skip bin supplier.

Furthermore, you should consider hiring the proper skip bin for rubbish disposal. There are different waste disposal bins. Whether it's recyclable waste, construction waste, green waste, or even if you're decluttering your home, there is a skip bin for each type.

Load your skip bin evenly

The skip bin needs to be filled evenly to ensure collection. An uneven load means the skip may lose its balance and tilt the truck. This can be extremely risky for the driver and other road users.  You can load it evenly by reducing the air pockets while loading.

This is achieved by mixing light and small waste between bulky and heavier items. Also, if there are hollow containers, consider filling them with garbage. This will allow you to transport more trash. Furthermore, it can save you the expense of hiring additional bins while giving stability to your skip bins.

You can also achieve this by breaking large objects into smaller pieces to make them more suitable for skip bins. The lightweight waste should be on the top. This allows your container to be perfectly balanced while remaining secure and safe when in transit. However, for green waste, consider hiring a green waste skip bin.

Load heavy items first

It's sensible to load your heaviest items first. Increasing the weight at the base of the container makes it more stable. Putting heavy objects on top of lighter ones means they can be thrown off the container when transported, potentially leading to serious injuries.

Avoid crushing the waste with your feet

Creating more space for trash in your skip bin is done by compressing it. One can achieve this by crushing the waste with either feet or tools. However, this can pose a serious threat as you can suffer severe injuries such as lacerated skin, fractured bones, cuts, or even being stuck.

A good example is when renovating your house. If you're going to dump materials such as broken glass, metal pieces, nails, and wood in the trash, avoid squeezing/crushing them using your feet to prevent injuries and cuts.

Fire prevention and no smoking zone

It's possible to dispose of everything in your skip bin. However, not every type of waste should be thrown in a skip bin. We've already recommended against disposing of hazardous chemicals. Other items such as electricals and electronics should not be in the dumpster either.

These materials are a fire risk, the same as flammable materials such as petrol, solvent, and similar chemical. To reduce the risk of fires, you need to:

• Keep the skip bin far away from structures and buildings, at least 10 meters

• Empty the skip bin as soon as it becomes full

• Ensure no litter lies on the ground near the skip bin

• Put a "no smoking zone" sign in the skip bin area

Involve your skip bin service provider

Communication is critical in all areas, and the same goes for using skip bins. You need to constantly contact your skip bin provider to avoid some of the issues mentioned above. Communication starts with the delivery of the skip bin.

Other things you can discuss with your provider include:

• How to load your container

• How to transport and dispose of waste

• What trash should be in the skipping bins (ask for a list of items you shouldn't load)

• How to avoid accidents when using containers

You Should Consider Your Skip Bins Safety

While skip bins hire is ideal for businesses and homeowners looking to dispose of waste, it's essential to keep them safe. You need to be cautious of where you decide to place them, how you load them, and the materials you dispose of in them.

Also, you should avoid overloading and involve your skip bin provider when disposing of the trash. If you fail to adhere to this, you might incur unwanted costs such as fines for overloading or compensation charges if your trash causes accidents. Contact a trusted skip bin hire company to guide you through the entire process.